In this article I am going to share tips to learn Spanish easily. They will make your learning process more fun and enjoyable.

Tip nº 1 : Keep in mind that fluency is more important than accuracy

When starting to learn a language it is normal to make mistakes. When you feel ready and have gained enough confidence, start talking straight away. Don’t worry about mistakes – you’ll improve with time. 

The most important thing is to LOSE THE FEAR of speaking and gain confidence. 

After all: practice makes perfect! 

Tip nº 2 : Study with learning materials that truly interest you. 

It’s important to find the right resources when you start learning a language as motivation is a key part of the learning process. Watch videos on subjects that interest you, read texts or books about a hobby you have or if you’re in the country where the language is spoken, sign up for a class on something you’ve always wanted to try. 

It’s been proven that the more motivated you are, the faster you learn the language. 

In our classes we use unique resources tailored to your interests. Tell us a little more about yourself and we’ll make your learning experience unbeatable. 

Tip nº3 : Put yourself in situations where you have to speak the language

Once you find yourself able to piece together sentences, we recommend venturing out into the community and speaking the language with locals.  

Especially in Spain, people are extremely happy to hear people speaking Spanish as a second language. 

Whether you’re at the market, post office or in the bar across the street, throw yourself in the deep end and give it a go!  

What if I am not in a country where the language is spoken? 

We recommend these free apps for language exchange:  

Another option is to contact language exchange groups in your local area, where you’ll get to meet new people and practice the language at the same time. 

Consejos para aprender español amigos
Speaking with the locals is a good idea to learn the language

Tip nº 4: Repetition is key 

When you start learning a new language, you should try to repeat the same verbs and structures in different contexts, so that they are cemented in your mind. This will gradually help to increase your level. 

Once you acquire these structures you should apply them, either through writing or in conversation.  

Your teacher can guide and advise you, giving you more complex structures as you progress.  

The use of texts and audios is also key for the repetition of structures, and it is also fantastic for gradually acquiring new ones.  

We recommend using graded readings, audios or podcasts that correspond to your level, only moving up a grade once you feel confident enough. That way, you won’t lose motivation by attempting structures that are more difficult than your current level – language learning is a series of baby steps! 

Tip nº 5: Grammar must sometimes take a back seat 

We know. It’s controversial. 

But through personal experience, grammar should be a tool to understand how the language works and not the basis of learning. 

Grammar rules can cause a lot of stress and frustration when starting to learn a language, so don’t feel bad if you can’t get your head around the endless list of irregular verbs. It’s completely normal! 

There is another way. With a natural and communicative method. 

Tip nº 6: Make learning part of your daily routine 

When trying to make faster progress when you are learning a language, split it up into small parts and integrate it into your daily routine. For example, you could read five pages of a book after lunch, listen to a podcast while driving to work, watch an episode of a Spanish series on Netflix, or even subscribe to a Spanish YouTube channel that interests you and watch one video a week. 

Additionally, you could hang out with Spanish friends and exchange voice notes over Whatsapp, read Spanish magazines or listen to Spanish songs and try to learn the lyrics. 

This way, you’re learning the language without even realising.  

Are you up for the challenge? 

Contact us if you want to find out more about our individual or group classes. Tell us in the comments your thoughts about this tips.