Legal notice & conditions of use

From the Atenea Spanish School team we would like to inform the user that if he browses this website or uses any of the services that we offer through it, he acquires the condition of user from the first moment and, therefore, these rules constitute a contract between Atenea Spanish School and the user regarding the use of this website, its links and any downloadable content found on it, as established by the applicable regulations on services of the information society and electronic commerce (Law 34/ 2002 LSSI-CE).

Accessing and browsing the website implies express acceptance of the “Conditions of Use”, the “Privacy Policy and Data Protection and Cookies Policy” in accordance with Law 24/ 2002 LSSI-CE). Likewise, we strongly recommend the user to thoroughly read each of the legal texts on the website.

If you do not agree with the “Terms of Use”, the “Privacy and Data Protection Policy” or “Cookies Policy” you must refrain from using this website. If you continue on the website, you must understand that the user:

  • declares to have read, understood and comprehended what is exposed here.
  • undertakes to respect the obligations and rules contained in this website.
  • in the terms set forth in the “Privacy and Data Protection Policy”, you declare that you have been informed of your rights.
  • declares that all the information provided is true and accurate, without limitations, reservations or falsehoods; being solely responsible for erroneous, false or inaccurate statements.

Identity and owner of the website

MARÍA ÁNGELES PÉREZ ARROYO with CIF: F-90416371 is the owner, owner and manager of the website Due to a commitment to transparency and our users, we provide the tax and contact information of Atenea Spanish School:


Atenea Spanish School (Maria Angeles Perez Arroyo)
Isla Cristina Street 2A 1ºB Ayamonte, Huelva


For the Atenea Spanish School team, it is essential that you know and understand some basic terminology that we will use in our legal texts:

  • Contents: Texts, graphics, drawings, designs, codes, software, photographs, music, videos, sounds, databases, images, downloadable of any kind, expressions and information belonging to Atenea Spanish School or to third parties that the User may have access through the Web.
  • Cookies: These are small amounts of information that are stored in the browser used by each User so that the server remembers it. Said information will be read only by the server that implemented it.
  • Services: Set of services offered by the Web either directly through it or for information.
  • Web: Internet site accessible at the address
  • Owner: Person (natural or legal) owner or person in charge of the Web
  • User: Any person who browses the web.
  • Terms of use

As we have been announcing, what is contained in this legal notice and conditions of use, has a legal figure of CONTRACT and therefore supposes an obligation between the parties (Atenea Spanish School and user).

Browsing this website attributes, from the beginning, the condition of user and this will be considered a free, specific, informed and unequivocal acceptance. We take this opportunity to remind you that if you decide not to accept these conditions, you must refrain from using this website, ESCUELA ATENEA or any link that this page redirects or content.

You can trust the legality of this website. In compliance with European regulations and quality standards in relation to consumers, all the legal texts of ESCUELA ATENEA have been drafted by professionals who are experts in law.


The website, the pages it comprises and the information or elements contained therein, hereinafter the CONTENT, are protected by intellectual or industrial property rights, of which ESCUELA ATENEA is the owner. and/or holds a license or express authorization for its use and public communication by legitimate third-party owners of the same for inclusion on this website.

Specifically, the user is not authorized to proceed with the reproduction, total or partial re-interpretation, use, exploitation, distribution, alteration, dissemination, sale, for commercial purposes of the contents of this website without the prior express authorization of Atenea Spanish School. .

Any use not previously authorized will be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights, and compensation may be claimed in this regard.


Atenea Spanish School authorizes the user to view the content of this website, as well as to make private reproductions, as long as the elements are intended solely for personal use, expressly prohibiting any type of use of the CONTENT of the website for professional and/or economic use.

The private reproductions of the content will not be legitimized as long as they attend to rights related to industrial property, either of the Owner or of a third party, or require for the same the exercise of some type of economic consideration or not.

The user is obliged to use the service and the contents diligently and correctly, in accordance with the law, morality, public order and these terms and conditions.

Atenea Spanish School expressly prohibits carrying out illicit or criminal activities that violate the rights of third parties or that violate any rule of the legal system. In the event that this prohibition is not complied with and as long as it is known to Atenea Spanish School, the pertinent legal mechanisms will be used to cease and/or claim the damages caused.

In no case shall it be understood that any authorization or license is granted, nor that any waiver, transmission, total or partial transfer of said rights is made, nor that any right or expectation of right is conferred without the prior, explicit and written consent of part of Atenea Spanish School and/or its administrators or proxies.



This website may contain links to other websites or mention other cooperative websites, for which those responsible will be the owners of these.

Atenea Spanish School is not responsible in any way for the problems or violations of rights that the websites owned by the sites may cause with respect to the user. Atenea Spanish School does not recommend, promote or identify itself, nor does it guarantee, represent, sponsor, or endorse any linked website or website owned by third parties that may be commercially named by users.

Atenea Spanish School is not aware of the content and services of the linked sites or third parties that appear on our website and, therefore, is not responsible directly or indirectly for any damage caused by the content and/or services of the linked sites. Web links or for any other damage that is not directly attributable to this website.

The Atenea Spanish School team appreciates that in the event that the user considers that there is a Web link with illegal or inappropriate content, they notify us at the email address, promising to remove the content, or the link. , as soon as possible, without in any case being responsible for Atenea Spanish School.



All visitors to the website, by the mere fact of acquiring the status of users and browsing the website, have the following rights:

  • You have the right to clear, concise and up-to-date information about the services offered and their commercial expression.
  • To know the expenses associated with contracting the service before contracting it.
  • Not to provide personal data that is not necessary for the operation in question.
  • You have the right to the protection of your personal data,
  • They have the right to be informed about the purpose and subsequent uses of personal data collected. And for this information to be understandable by the general public.
  • You have the possibility to exercise your rights to access, rectification, cancellation, opposition, portability and forgetting your personal data. And that these rights be exercised not only electronically but also physically. Likewise, the user has the right to obtain a response. For more information about these rights and their exercise or response time, go to the link “Privacy Policy and Data Protection”
  • To receive personalized attention by alternative means to email, in attention to their rights. In the event that the attention is related to service or commercial information, you must abide by the customer service hours.
  • You have the right to be informed of the receipt of commercial information or advertising and to freely grant your consent.
  • You have the right to be informed of the use and purpose of cookies or other data storage devices, if any. For more information about it, we recommend going to the “Cookies Policy” link.


As a user, you agree to make appropriate use of the content, services and tools that are accessible through this website, subject to the Law, morality and public order, as well as these conditions of Use, respecting at all times the other users of it.

For this reason, you expressly agree to hold Atenea Spanish School harmless from any liability to any person, which may arise from an inappropriate use of the Web Content on your part, either with respect to the Conditions of Use or with the law.

In case of total or partial breach by the user of these Conditions of Use, Atenea Spanish School will have the right to deny access to without prior notice to the user and to claim, in the event of that it deems appropriate, the damages caused by the breach.


As a user you must respect the theme and dynamics of the website, making appropriate use of the services and content, especially: Atenea Spanish School authorizes you to view, download and print the WEB Content always under the following CONDITIONS:

  • You must do so solely for your personal and non-commercial use.
  • You must not disseminate, transmit or make available to third parties any type of information, element or content, without the authorization of the holders of the intellectual and industrial property rights, which may relate to such information, element or content; or information, element or content that violates the fundamental rights and public freedoms recognized constitutionally and in international treaties; nor that it constitutes illicit or unfair advertising, nor that it supposes a violation of the secrecy of communications and the legislation of personal data, nor photographs or any other type of representation or image of minors;
  • You must not introduce or disseminate any false, misleading, ambiguous or inaccurate information and content in a way that misleads or may mislead other users receiving the information;
  • Not to spread racist, xenophobic, pornographic content or propaganda, advocating terrorism or that violates human rights;
  • You must not use this website to send unsolicited or expressly consented advertising; impersonate other users; use the Content of the web to carry out illegal activities, illegal or contrary to good faith and public order; modify the Content of the Website; nor remove or modify any mention or notification regarding the ownership of copyright, trademarks, or any other provision on intellectual property included in the Content of the Web.

The user undertakes to keep Atenea Spanish School harmless from any possible claim, fine, penalty or sanction that may be required to be borne as a result of the User’s failure to comply with the aforementioned rules of use; reserving, in addition, the right to request compensation for damages that, where appropriate, correspond.


Atenea Spanish School cannot guarantee the proper functioning of its website, as they may be impeded by circumstances beyond the control of the Atenea Spanish School team.

Specifically, it does not assume any responsibility for damages, losses, claims or expenses caused by:

  • Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, delays, blockages or disconnections, caused by errors in telecommunications lines and networks or by any other external cause.
  • Illegitimate interference through the use of malware of any kind and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other.
  • For not meeting the expectations of users in relation to the website and/or its features or content.
  • The access of minors to the contents included in the web.

Specifically, and without limitation, Atenea Spanish School will not be liable for damages of any nature arising from:

  • The contents, information, opinions and statements of any User or third parties or entities that communicate through the Service.
  • The use that users may make of the materials included on the website, whether prohibited or permitted, in violation of intellectual and/or industrial property rights, confidential information, content of the Service or third parties.
  • The performance of acts of unfair competition and illicit advertising or the infringement of intellectual and industrial property rights, business secrets, contractual commitments of any kind, rights to honor, personal and family privacy and image, of the property rights and of any other nature belonging to a third party due to the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the contents.
  • The eventual loss of user data for reasons not attributable to the Service.

Thus, Athena Spanish School is not responsible for the information and content stored or any other means that allow third parties to publish content independently on this website.

However, and in compliance with the provisions of art. 11 and 16 of the LSSI-CE, ESCUELA ATENEA makes itself available to all users, authorities and security forces, to actively collaborate in the withdrawal, or blocking, of all those contents that could affect or contravene national or international legislation, rights of third parties or morality and public order.

In this way, in the event that the user considers that there may be some illegitimate content, we would appreciate it if you notify us immediately through the following email:


Atenea Spanish School reserves the right to delete any comment or contribution that violates the rules of use of this website, the law, morality or public order.

The use of the blog for the inclusion of promotional, destructive, insulting comments or comments that go against the good tone of the website or of any of its users is totally prohibited.

From the Atenea Spanish School team, we are committed to controlling the use of our blog by third parties and we try to delete, annul, eliminate any harmful comment, but in no case can Atenea Spanish School be held responsible for the opinions that users may to give. Although, we will be happy to collaborate with any user or authority that considers the inclusion of a harmful comment in our blog, and for this we provide the following email:


Atenea Spanish School in compliance with the Spanish regulations on the protection of personal data, guarantees full compliance with the obligations described therein, as well as the implementation of the security measures contemplated in the Personal Data Protection Law ( Law 15/1999 hereinafter, LOPD) and new European Regulation (EU) 2016/679, hereinafter RGPD.

For more information about the processing of your data, it is important that you read and know the “Data Protection and Privacy Policy” and the “Cookies Policy” of this website. For this reason, the Atenea Spanish School team once again recommends that you read and understand them and refrain from using the website or any of its content/services if you do not agree with them.

You need to know that at Atenea Spanish School we collect personal data through the contact form on the website and those to which it redirects from the same ownership.

The use of your personal data is detailed in the “Privacy Policy” of this website.

Although it is necessary that you accept the “Privacy and Data Protection Policy” in which you are informed in more detail about the use and treatment of your data, all users have the possibility of exercising their rights of access, rectification, limitation, portability , cancellation or opposition, through the following email:, or to the postal address: CL ISLA CRISTINA 2A 1B AYAMONTE, HUELVA.

In the “Cookies Policy” we inform you that the Atenea Spanish School website has Cookies in favor of providing more quality in its services. We do not have our own Cookies, but please consult the Privacy and Cookies section.


Atenea Spanish School is based in Spain, so it is bound by Spanish and European laws on Data Protection.

The User accepts that the claims or complaints against Atenea Spanish School that come from or are related to the use of this website and more specifically with the processing of their personal data will be resolved by the court of competent jurisdiction located in Huelva.

If the User accesses this site from a location outside of Spain, he is responsible for complying with all local and international laws that apply to him.


Atenea Spanish School may modify this legal notice at any time by publishing it on this website, which will always contain the date of the last applicable update.