Alright, for all of you Spanish students out there. For all the people who feel like going grocery shopping, Here are some easy Spanish tricks for Shopping at the Supermarket. I hope they are useful.

Useful Phrases

Buenos días/Buenas tardes/ Hola

Right when you walk into the store you can say this. Good morning/ Good afternoon/ Hello.

¿Dónde está…?

To ask where to find anything. Example:

¿Dónde está el pan?


I would like…

Quisiera medio kilo de salmón.

¿Cuánto cuesta…?

Most used question to know the price of something. Example:

¿Cuánto cuesta la botella de agua? – How much is the bottle of water?

¿Puedo pagar con tarjeta/ efectivo?

Can I pay with credit card/in cash?

El cambio

The change

Gracias/ de nada

Thanks/ You’re welcome

Basic words

Frutas y verduras (fruits and vegetables)

Lechuga – Lettuce

Tomate – Tomato

Zanahoria – Carrot

Naranja – Orange

Plátano – Banana

Manzana – Apple

Uvas – Grapes

Peras – Pears

Pimiento verde/rojo – Green/red peppers

Cebolla – Onions

Pepino – Cucumber

Patatas – Potatoes

Carnes y pescados

Pollo – Chicken

Ternera – Beef

Lomo de cerdo – Pork loin

Jamón ibérico – Iberian ham

Bacalao – Cod

Merluza – Hake

Dorada – Sea Bream

Gambas – Prawns

Salmón – Salmon

Productos lácteos y cereales

Queso – Cheese

Leche – Milk

Yogur – Yogurt

Mantequilla – Butter

Cereales – Cereals

Pan – Bread

Avena – Oats

Galletas – Biscuits/cookies


Sal – Salt

Pimienta – Pepper

Huevos – Eggs

Azúcar – Sugar

Aceite de Oliva – Olive oil

Vinagre – Vinegar

Refrescos – Soft drinks

Vino – Wine

Agua – Water

Some useful things you need to know

  • Kilo – Kilogram
  • Medio kilo – Half a kilogram
  • Un cuarto de kilo – A quarter of a kilogram
  • Gramos -Grams
  • Botella – Bottle
  • Bolsa – Bag
  • Carrito de la compra – Shopping trolley
  • Monedas -Coins
  • Billetes – Notes

Some tricks

  • When you are in line to buy fruit or meat, ask:
    ¿Quién es el último? – who is the last?
    ¿A quién le toca? – who’s turn is it?
  • Be careful! Plantains and bananas are not the same. “Plátanos” are “bananas” and “plantains” are “plátano macho” in Spanish.

I hope this post with easy Spanish for Shopping at the Supermarket is very useful. I leave you HERE so you can download a shopping list with the vocabulary and its translation.


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How was your experience in a supermarket or market in Spain? I read you in the comments.

Hasta pronto,

María Ángeles