Spain offers us good weather, beautiful places to visit, good food and friendly people who are always willing to help you. Today I am going to give you some useful Spanish phrases that will be very useful when traveling to Spain or other Spanish speaking countries.


This is the most normal and general greeting. It is used in a neutral context, it would be like “hey”, “hello” or “hi”.


This is one of the most common ways to say goodbye, although now we can find more and more people saying “chao” or even “hasta luego.” “Adiós” is the equivalent of “bye” or “good bye.” 

¡Buenos días!

“Buenos días” is said just until 12pm.

¡Buenas tardes!

Afternoons last until 8pm in Spain.

¡Buenas noches!

Nights start at 8 or 9pm.

Nos vemos

It is also used for farewells but in a more informal context. It translates as “see you”, “see you soon”. 

¿Cómo estás?

It is the translation of “how are you?” and it is also usually used to greet along with “hola.

Muy bien,gracias, ¿y tú?

This would be the neutral response, in English: “very good, thank you and you? 


This is the neutral version for “thank you”. If you want to intensify it, say: “muchas gracias” or “muchísimas gracias

Por favor

The equivalent of “please”. Don’t be upset if you don’t hear it all the time. In Spain we sometimes omit it. 

De nada

The equivalent of “you’re welcome”. You can also hear other versions such as “nada”, “no es nada”. 

Lo siento

I’m sorry“. To intensify it say: “lo siento mucho“.


It can be used to get someone’s attention or apologize. You can hear other versions like “perdona” or “disculpa.” In English: “excuse me” or “pardon“. 


When you meet someone for the first time we use this word. Remember that we must change to “encantado” or “encantada” depending on whether the speaker is male or female. It means “nice to meet you”. It is mostly used in Spain. In South America we would use “mucho gusto“.

Buen provecho

Used to say “enjoy your meal“. Other versions: “que aproveche“.

No sé

Simply a very useful expression to express “I don’t know”.

No lo comprendo

Simply a very useful expression to express “I don’t understand”.

Habla más lento, por favor

Imagine that you are learning Spanish and you want to try to speak, this phrase is equivalent to: “Speak slower, please“.

Repite, por favor

Very similar to English, right? “Repeat, please“.


Cheers! Perfect to toast with friends or acquaintances.

El baño, por favor

You never know when we’re going to need to say this. “The toilet, please.”

¿Hablas inglés/alemán/francés?

Do you speak English/German/French?” Another of the most useful Spanish phrases when traveling.

No hablo español

Very useful for those situations in which you understand absolutely nothing and need help in another language. “I don’t speak Spanish“.

I’m sure people will be very receptive and eager to help you. I leave you HERE another link with more words that you may find useful for your trip.

Follow us on social networks for more tips and resources to improve your Spanish. On Instagram and Facebook.

Did you know them all? Do you know of any more that have been very useful to you? I read you in comments.

Hasta pronto,

María Ángeles